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We are a source of information on the structured products industry to any interested market participant.

This website aims at presenting LUXSIPA. It should neither be considered as constituting an establishment nor the provision of services outside the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The information published on this website, whether of a general nature (such as market information) or specific (such as investment products), are provided for information purposes only. This information is published without any commitment as to its completeness, accuracy and timeliness. It does not constitute an offer or a solicitation for the purchase or sale of financial instruments. It has no value as legal, accounting or tax advice and is only valid for the time the information is given. The information is not intended to be a substitute of the knowledge and skills of the users and should therefore be estimated with the advice of a qualified professional. Information may also come from external providers. To the exception of gross negligence wilful misconduct, LUXSIPA shall not be held liable towards the users of the information and its direct and indirect consequences.

The Website is the exclusive property of LUXSIPA. The Website is protected by the Luxembourg Laws applicable to intellectual property rights. As such, the Website may not in any way and without the prior authorization of LUXSIPA be fully or partially reproduced or made available or used otherwise than in the way and for the purpose approved by LUXSIPA.

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